TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Been a while! Here's an update on my documentary.
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Subject Been a while! Here's an update on my documentary.
Posted by Jayru on February 27, 2019 at 3:06 PM
  This message has been viewed 575 times.
Message Despite The Loss - Official Trailer (2019)

Hey friends, been a while! The past few years have pretty much been consumed by my documentary, and I haven't had much time to play with the Z (other than taking it to ZCON in ATL last year). Things have been rough on the film front, wasted 2018 applying to "film festivals" only to find out it's pretty much a rigged system/scam. Out of 24 submissions, only 7 actually watched my film... It was a pretty heartbreaking experience.

But I'm determined to keep pushing ahead and plan to release the film independently this summer. If you remember, the film used to be called Driven, but I had to change the name because a Hollywood film is coming out using the same name, and I just can't compete with that kind of marketing budget. So it's "Despite The Loss" from here on out. I won't bore everyone on the specifics, but if you're curious about the process you can read more here.

If you do check out the revamped trailer, do me a favor and subscribe to the channel on YouTube and pass it around (I just set the channel up and need to build awareness for it). Or subscribe to my mailing list here if you'd like more updates than a random post every few years, ha! I hope to have the film released before ZCON in Branson!

Hope everyone I know on here is doing well, and looking forward to Branson this summer.


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